Are plant and animal species responding differently to climate change?
Tue, Jan 14, 2025
The advance in the timing of spring events is well documented in scientific research. However, changes have not been the same for all species and can even differ among populations of the same species in distinct locations. A team of researchers compiled an extensive dataset of phenology observations from the published literature and from phenology networks including USA-NPN. They estimated whether the average date that a life cycle stage occurs has shifted since 1980, assessed the extent to which those shifts were driven by changes in temperature or precipitation, and explored whether climate change was increasing the likelihood of phenological mismatches for species that occur in the same location. The authors found that for plants, spring and summer events like leaf out, flowering, and fruiting are occurring earlier than they did 40 years ago, with later stages like flowering and fruit ripening advancing faster than earlier stages. Climate had much weaker effects on the timing of animal activity, which has implications for mismatches in the timing of plants and animals that rely on synchronization of their life cycle stages.