Is the (sunlight) window closing for spring wildflowers in deciduous forests?
In many deciduous forests, understory plants such as spring blooming wildflowers depend on a critical period of sunlight before overstory tree leaves block out the sun. Climate change has caused a shift to earlier leaf out in many plants, but not all taxa are shifting at the same rate. ... Read more
Nature's Notebook observers help pinpoint when to take action against invasive hemlock woolly adelgid
Invasive hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae or HWA) has caused widespread decline and mortality in hemlock trees, an important foundation species in the Eastern U.S. One method used for control of this species is the release of specialist predators at two life cycle stages: emergenc... Read more
Male and female trees are responding differently to increasing temperatures
Dioecy, defined as distinctly male or female individuals in a species, is uncommon in plants, occurring in only about 5% of species. Consequently, our understanding of how this group of plants is being affected by climate change is limited. A group of researchers based at Purdue Univers... Read more