when a plant sheds one of its parts, such as leaves, flowers, and/or fruits

A fruit that has developed from a single flower having many separate pistils, but in addition, part of the flower structure develops into part of the fruit. Such is the case with a strawberry, in which several pistils developed into tiny achenes (see achene) imbedded on the surface of the flower's expanded and succulent receptacle (what we think of as "seeds" of the strawberry are, in reality, individual fruits).

A dry, indeshiscent, one-seeded fruit that has developed from one flower having a single ovary, and the ovary wall becomes rigid at maturity (such as a sunflower "seed" - which is a fruit).

Active transport uses cellular energy to accomplish the transport of molecules, unlike passive transport (such as osmosis) which does not use cellular energy.

Structures or organs developing in a place/position where it is not normally expected, such as a root or bud that arises along a stem internode

A root that exists and functions only above the soil/substrate or water surface (wholly above ground)

A fruit that has developed from a single flower having many separate pistils. Such is the case when the pistils develop into a tight cluster of fleshy drupelets (see drupe) on the surface of the flower's receptacle (such as a raspberry or blackberry).

Leaves and branches that are not opposite to each other on the stem or axis, but occur singly at each node

A seed plant species that produces flowers - in which the ovules are contained within an ovary; the ovary maturing to a fruit containing the seeds (fertilized and matured ovules)

A plant which germinates from seed, flowers, sets seed, and dies in the same year.

A plant species that completes its life cycle (germination of a seed, flowering, reproduction, and senescence) within a duration of one year

part of the male flower parts that holds the pollen intended to be carried (via wind or insects) to a female flower's stigma and subsequently fertilize ovules

The top or tip of a structure, organ, such as a leaf or stem (and the point farthest from the point of attachment)

Reproduction (seed production) without fertilization

Plant species that grow in water: whose seeds germinate in water or in the bottom soil of bodies of water, usually having submersed or floating leaves

An appendage growing attached to a seed, either growing at or near the hilum of a seed, or a fleshy thickening of the seed coat

Propagation of plants by means other than fertilization (sexual); natural methods (apomixis, bulbils/cormels/offsets and other clones, layering) or human-induced (cuttings, layering, division of clumps, and tissue cultures)

The horizontal direction to which a mountain slope faces.

Refers to organisms that are capable of producing their own nutritive substances - processing inorganic materials into organic ones (feed themselves) by using energy from outside the organism such as with photosynthesis (sunshine on chlorophyll)

The point of the angle formed between a leaf or branch where it is joined to a stem (axis)

As pertains to stems: situated in or arising in an axil (such as those occurring at a stem node). A side shoot or bud; typically situated in the axil at a stem node - lateral buds are typically axillary